Friday, April 13, 2012

Books I Have Owned, & Do Own

My Personal Library... Books I’ve read
Author name first. pb= paperback / tpb= trade paperback/ hb=hardback

(Dragonlance) Henham, RD –hb- Red Dragon Codex (donated)
(Dragonlance) Hickman, Tracy -hb -Mystic Quest
(Dragonlance) Hickman, Tracy- hb -Mystic Warrior
(Dragonlance) Hickman, Tracy-hb- Mystic Empire
(Dragonlance) Niles, Douglas -pb -Kinslayer Wars
(Dragonlance) Stein, Kevan -pb- Brothers Majere
(Dragonlance) Thompson & Carter -pb -Qualinesti
(Dragonlance) Thompson & Carter -pb -First Born
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -hb -Dragons Dwarven Depths
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman –hb- Dragons of the Highlord Skies
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -hb -Dragons of a Lost Star
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb -Kender, Gully Dwarves & Gnomes
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb- The Magic of Krynn
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb- Dragonlance Chronicles (3 in 1)
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb -Dragons of Vanished Moon
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb -Dragons Summer Flame
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb -Dragons of Fallen Sun
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb- Love and War
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb -Second Generation
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb -Soulforge
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb/hb -Dragons Autumn Twilight
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb/hb -Dragons of Spring Dawning
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb/hb -Dragons of Winter Night
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb/hb -Test of the Twins
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman -pb/hb -Time of the Twins
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman- pb/hb – War of the Twins
(Dragonlance) Weis & Perrin -pb -Brothers in Arms
(Dragonlance) Weis, Margaret -hb -Dragons Son
(Dragonlance) Weis, Margaret- hb -Amber and Ashes
(Dragonlance) Weis, Margaret-hb- Amber and Iron
(Dragonlance) Weis, Margaret –hb- Amber and Blood
(Dragonlance) Weis, Margaret -hb- Master of Dragons
(Dragonlance) Weis, Margaret -hb -Mistress of Dragons
(Dragonlance)Weis & Hickman -hb -Dragons Lost Star..donated
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman –hb- Bones of the Dragon..donated
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman –hb- Secret of t he Dragon..donated
(Dragonlance) Weis & Hickman –hb- Dragons of the Hourglass Mage: The Lost Chronicles, Volume Three

Abalos, Rafael –hb- Grimpow: The Invisible Road
Adams, Richard –pb- Watership Down
Adams, John Joseph –pb- The Way of the Wizard…donated
Adamson, Joe –hb- Groucho, Harpo, Chico & Zeppo
Alcott, Louisa May –hb- Little Women
Aldrin, Buzz –hb- Magnificent Desolation
Aldrin, Collins, Armstrong-hb- First on the Moon
Anderson, R J –hb- Faery Rebels: Spell Hunter (donated)
Ansari, Anousheh- hb- My Dream of Stars (donated)
Anthony, Piers -pb -Dragon on a Pedestal (donated)
Anthony, Piers -pb -Golem in the Gears (donated)
Anthony, Piers -pb- Harpy Tyme (donated)
Anthony, Piers -pb -Heaven Cent (donated)
Anthony, Piers -pb- Man From Mundania (donated)
Anthony, Piers -pb –Nightmare (donated)
Anthony, Piers –hb- A Spell for Chameleon/Source of Magic/Castle Roogna(donald)
Archer, Linda Buckley –tpb- The Time Travelers (gave away)
Archer, Linda Buckley –tpb- The Time Thief (gave away)
Archer, Linda Buckley-hb- The Time Quake (gave away)
Astin, Sean -hb -There and Back Again (gave to library)

Bailey, Pearl –hb- Talking to Myself
Baker, E.D. –hb- Wings: A Fairy Tale (Brent)
Barnes, Jonathan –hb- The Somnambulist (gave to chris)
Barron, T A –hb- The Lost Years of Merlin(gave away)
Basinger, Jeanine –hb- The Star Machine
Baumgartl, Nomi –hb- Elephant Man
Bayard, Louis –hb- Mr Timothy (donated)
Beagle, Peter –pb- Tamsin (donated)
Beagle, Peter –pb- A Fine and Private Place (donated)
Bean, Alan -hb- A Man On The Moon (art)
Beckett, Galen M –hb- The Magicians and Mrs Quent
Beddor, Frank –pb- The Looking Glass Wars (Brent)
Bell, Hilari- hb- A wizard Test (Brent)
Bell, Hilari –hb- The Goblin Wood (Brent)
Benedict, Barbree -pb- Moonshot
Benjamin, Melanie-hb- Alice I have Been ..donated
Benjamin, Melanie –hb- The Autobiography of Mrs Tom Thumb..donated
Berendt, John –hb- Garden of Good and Evil
Berkeley, Jon –hb- The Palace of Laughter (Brent)
Berkeley, Jon- hb-The Tiger’s Egg (Brent)
Berkeley, Jon –hb- The Lightening Key (Brent)
Bishop, Anne –pb- The Black Jewels: Trilogy
Black, Campbell- pb-The Adventures of Indiana Jones (Brent)
Bogdonovich, Peter -tpb- Who The Hell’s In it? (gave away)
Bradbury, Ray –pb- The Martian Chronicles (carl)
Bradley, Marion Zimmer –sb- The Mists of Avalon
Bradley, Alan –hb- Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie donated.pat
Bradley, Alan- pb- The Weed that Strings the Hangmans Bag donated.pat
Bradley, Alan –pb- A Red Herring Without Mustard donated.pat
Bradley, Alan –hb- I Am Half Sick of Shadows donated pat
Brandreth, Gyles-pb- Oscar Wilde and the Candlelight Murders donated pat
Brandreth, Gyles-pb- Oscar Wilde and the Dead Mans Smile donated pat
Brandreth, Gyles-pb- Oscar Wilde and the Ring of Death donated pat
Brandreth, Gyles-hb- Oscar Wilde and a Game Called Murder donated
Brom- tpb- The Child Thief
Brom-hb- the Plucker
Bronte, Emily –pb- Wuthering Heights
Brooks, Terry -pb- The Druid of Shannara
Brooks, Terry -pb- The Elf Queen of Shannara
Brooks, Terry -pb -The Tailsman of Shannara
Brooks, Terry -tpb -Elfstones of Shannara
Brooks, Terry -tpb- Sword of Shannara
Brooks, Terry -tpb- Wishsong of Shannara
Brooks, Terry –tpb- Jarka Ruus
Brooks, Terry-tpb- Straken
Brooks, Terry-tpb- Tankquil
Brownlow, Kevin –pb- The Parade’s Gone By
Bryson, Ellen –hb- The Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno (donated)
Bryson, Bill –pb- A Walk in the Woods
Bryson, Bill-pb- The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid donated
Bryson, Bill-pb- The Lost Continent donated
Burnett, Francis –hb- Little Lord Fauntleroy
Burnett, Francis-hb- The Secret Garden
Burns, George hb- A Love Story
Byatt, A.S. –hb- The Children’s Book

Cagney, James-tpb- Cagney by Cagney (donated)
Candlewick Press-hb-Wizardology Handbook ( Brent)
Candlewick Press-hb- The Dragonology Handbook (Brent)
Capote, Truman – pb- The Grass Harp donated
Card, Orson Scott –pb- The Dragon Quintet (multiple authors)(carl)
Card, Orson Scott –hb- Pathfinder donated
Carey, Harry Jr. -hb -Company of Hereos (signed)
Carey, Janet Lee -hb- Dragon’s Keep (Brent)
Carey, Janet Lee –hb- The Beast of Noor (Carl)
Carpenter, M. Scott –hb- We Seven: by the Astronauts Themselves
Cashore, Kristin –hb- Graceling (gave away)
Cashore, Kristin –hb- Fire (gave away)
Cassutt, Michael - hb -Who’s Who in Space: The first 25 Years
Ceasar, Sid –hb- Where Have I Been
Cernan, Eugene –pb- The Last Man on the moon
Chaikin, Andrew –pb- A Man on the Moon
Chancy, Lisa –hb- Hide and Seek With Angels: A Life of JM Barrie donated
Charlton, Blake –hb- Spellwright
Cherryh, C J- pb -The Faded Sun: Kutath (signed)
Chevalier, Tracy –hb- Remarkable Creatures
Christie, Agatha –hb- Murder on the Orient Express
Claremont, Chris -hb -Shadow Dawn (donated)
Claremont, Chris -pb- Shadow Moon (donated)
Clarke, Susanna -hb -Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Coelho, Paulo –pb- The Alchemist (donated)
Cohen, Paula Marantz –pb- What Alice Knew donated
Collins, Wilkie –pb- The Woman in White
Collins, Wilkie-pb- Moonstone
Collins, Wilkie –pb- The Haunted Hoted & Other Stories
Connolly, John -hb- The Book of Lost Things (Brent)
Conrad, Nancy –tpb- Rocketman (Pete Conrad)
Cooper, Jackie –hb- Please Don’t Shoot My Dog(donated)
Cooper, Susan –pb- The Dark is Rising
Cooper, Susan –pb- Greenwitch
Cooper, Susan –pb- Over Sea Under stone
Cooper, Susan –pb- Silver on the Tree
Cooper, Susan –pb- The Grey King
Cottam, F G –hb- The House of Lost Souls donated
Coveny, Michael -pb -A Bright Particular Star (Maggie Smith Biography)
Cox, Michael –hb- The Meaning of Night: A Confession
Cox, Michael –hb- The Glass of Time
Cross, Tom -hb- The Way of Wizards (Brent)
Curtis, Tony –hb- American Prince: A Memoir (Biography signed)

Dahl, Roald –pb- TheWitches
Dahl, Roald –pb- BFG donated
Dalby, Richard,-hb- The Mammoth Book of Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories
Dann, Jack –hb- Wizards (Carl)
Dashner, James –hb- The Journal of Curious Letters (13th Reality ) (Brent)
Datlow, Ellen -tpb -Fantasy & Horror
Davidson, Andrew –hb- The Gargoyle (debi)
De Lint, Charles –tpb- The Wild Wood (gave away)
De Mari, Silvana- pb- Last Dragon (Brent)
DiCamillo, Kate –pb- The Tale of Despereaux (gave away)
DiCamillo, Kate –pb- The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane donated
DiCamillo, Kate –hb- The Magicians Elephant (gave away)
Dickens, Charles –hb- David Copperfield
Dickens, Charles –hb- The Old Curiosity Shop
Dickens, Charles –hb- A Christmas Carol
Dickens, Charles –hb-Great Expectations
Dickens, Charles-hb- Oliver Twist
Dickens, Charles-hb- Pickwick
Dickens, Charles-hb-Tale of Two Cities
Dickens, Charles-hb- Bleak House
Dillard, J M -pb- Star Trek Recovery (signed by DeForest)(carl)
Donaldson, Stephen -hb- The One Tree
Donaldson, Stephen- hb -The Power that Preserves
Donaldson, Stephen -hb -The Illearth War
Donaldson, Stephen -hb -Lord Fouls Bane
Donaldson, Stephen -hb -The Runes of the Earth
Donaldson, Stephen -hb -White Gold Wielder
Donaldson, Stephen -hb –Woundedland
Donaldson, Stephen –hb- Fatal Revenant
Donaldson, Stephen-hb- Against All Things Ending
Donnelly, Jennifer –hb- A Northern Light (gave away)
Donohue, Keith –pb- The Stolen Child (David)
Doohan, James –pb- Beam Me Up Scotty
Dougan, Andy –pb- Robin Williams (donated)
Douglas, Edward – hb- Jack: The Great Seducer
Downer, Ann –hb- Hatching Magic (Brent)
Downer, Ann - hb – The Dragon of Never-Was (Brent)
Doyle, Arthur Conan- hb- Complete Sherlock Holmes(gave away)
Doyle, Arthur Conan- tpb- Hound of the Baskervilles
Doyle, Arthur Conan –hb-The Works of Doyle
Doyle, Arthur Conan-hb- The Return of Sherlock Holmes
Doyle, Arthur Conan-hb- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Drake, Salamanda -hb- Dragonsdale (Brent)
Duane, Diane-hb- So You Want to be a Wizard (Brent)
Dudgeon, Piers –hb- Neverland: J M Barrie
Dumas, Alexandre –hb- The Three Musketeers
Dunkle, Clare B –hb- The Hollow Kingdom
Dunkle, Clare B –pb- Close Kin
Dunkle, Clare B –pb- In the Coils of the Snake
Du Maurier, Daphnie- pb- Rebecca
Du Maurier, Daphnie-pb- The King’s General
Duirwaigh-hb- A Knock at the Door

Eagland, Jane –hb- Wildthorn
Ebson, Buddy –hb- The Other Side of Oz
Eddings, David- hb- Demon Lord of Karanda
Eddings, David -hb- Redemption of Althalus donated
Eddings, David -hb- Polgara
Eddings, David -hb- Belgarath the Sorcerer
Eddings, David -pb- Castle of Wizardry
Eddings, David -pb -Domes of Fire
Eddings, David -pb- Enchanters End Game
Eddings, David -pb -Magicians Gambit
Eddings, David -pb- Pawn of Prophecy
Eddings, David -pb- Queen of Sorcery
Eddings, David -pb- The Guardians of the West
Eddings, David -pb -The Hidden City
Eddings, David -pb- The King of Murgos
Eddings, David -pb -The Seeress of Kell
Eddings, David -pb- The Shining Ones
Eddings, David -pb -The Sorcerer of Darshiva
Eddings, David – hb- The Belgaraid Pt 1
Eddings, David – hb – The Belgaraid Pt 2
Eddings, David –hb- The Ruby Knight
Eddings, David –hb- The Diamond Throne
Eddings, David –hb- The Sapphire Rose
Eddison, E R -pb -Zimiamvia: A Trilogy
Edwards, E G-hb- Book of Ebenezer Le Page
Egan, Jennifer –pb- The Keep(donated)
Eugenides, Jffrey –pb- Middlesex

Falk, Peter –hb- Just One More Thing: Stories From My Life (donated)
Farmer, Nancy –hb- The Sea of Trolls (gave away)
Farmer, Nancy –hb- The Land of the Silver Apples (gave away)
Farmer, Nancy –hb- The Islands of the Blessed (gave away)
Ferrigno, Lou -pb -Lou Ferrigno (signed)
Fforde, Jasper-hb- Thursday Next
Fisher, Jude -hb -The Return of the King visual companion (3 signatures)
Fisher, Jude- hb -The Two Towers visual companion (3 signatures)
Flagg, Fannie –hb- Welcome to the World Baby Girl(donated)
Flaubert, Gustave-hb- Madame Bovary
Flynn, Errol –pb- My Wicked Wicked Ways
Folett, Ken –pb- Pillars of the Earth
Fowler, Michael-hb- Crimson Petal
Franklin, Tom –hb- Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter: A Novel (chris)
French, Tana –pb- In the Woods (Dotty)
Funke, Cornelia -hb -Dragon Rider(gave away)
Funke, Cornelia -hb- Inkheart
Funke, Cornelia -hb- Inkspell
Funke, Cornelia –hb- Inkdeath
Funke, Cornelia- hb -Lord Thief(gave away)
Funke, Cornelia –hb- Igraine the Brave (gave away)
Funke, Cornelia-hb- When Santa Fell to Earth

Gabler, Neal- tpb- Walt Disney
Gaiman, Neil –hb- Mirrormask(gave away)
Gaiman, Neil –pb- Stardust (Brent)
Gaiman, Neil –hb- The Graveyard Book (Brent)
Garcia, Kami –hb- Beautiful Creatures
Garland, Patrick –hb- The Incomparable Rex
George, Jessica Day-hb- Dragon Slippers (Brent)
Gibson , Edward –hb- Reach
Giddins, Gary-hb- Bing Crosby
Gish, Lilian –hb- The Movies, Mr Griffith and Me
Glenn, John -hb -John Glenn signed
Gottfried, Martin -hb- Balancing Act (biography)
Gray, Beverly-hb- Ron Howard: From Mayberry to the Moon (autographed)
Grossman, Lev –hb- The Magicians: A Novel (gave away)
Gruber, Michael –hb- Book of Air and Shadows (donated)
Gruen, Sara –tpb- Water for Elephants donated
Gurney, James –tpb- Dinotopia (softback) (Brent)

Hack, Richard -hb- Hughes (biography)donated
Hale, Shannon –tpb- The Goose Girl (gave away)
Harris, Joanne – hb- Runemarks (Carl)
Harwood, John- pb- The Ghost Writer (David)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel-hb- The Scarlet Letter
Haydon, Elizabeth-hb- The Floating Island
Haydon, Elizabeth –hb- The Thief Queens Daughter
Haydon, Elizabeth –hb- The Dragon’s Lair
Hedren, Tippi -hb -The Cats of Shambala (signed)
Helgerson, Joseph –pb- Horns and Wrinkles (Brent)
Hepburn, Katharine- pb- Me : Stories of my Life(biography)
Herbert, James –hb- The Secret of Crickley Hall
Herriot, James –pb- All Creatures Great and Small
Herriot James –pb- All Things Bright & Beautiful
Herrmann, Dorothy –tpb- Helen Keller
Higgons, F.E. –hb- The Bone Magician donated
Hildebrant & Nichols -pb- Urshurak
Hill, Joe- tpb- 20th Century Ghosts
Hines, Jim C -pb- Goblin Quest (Brent)
Hoffman, Alice –pb- Practical Magic(gave away)
Holmberg, James J –hb- By His Own Hand? Mysterious Death of Merriweather Lewis
Huff, Tanya –hb- The Enchantment Emporium (cath)
Hunt, Stephen –hb- The Court of Air
Hunt, Stephen –hb- The Kingdom beyond the Waves
Huston, John -hb- An Open Book (Biography)

Ivey, Eowyn-hb- The Snow Child

James, Emmett –pb- Admit One: A Journey into Film(gave away_
Jenkins, Harry -pb- Harrison Ford (Biography)
Johnson,Maureen –hb- The Name of the Star
Jones, Chris –hb- Too Far from Home
Jones, Diana Wynn –pb- A Charmed Life (Brent)

Kaplan, Fred –hb- Dickens
Kearsley, Susanna- pb- The Winter Sea donated
Kearsley, Susanna-pb- The Rose Garden donated
King, Laurie R –hb- The Moor (pat)
King, Laurie R- pb- The Beekeepers Apprentice
King, Laurie R –pb- A Monstrous Regiment of Women(gave away)
King, Laurie R –pb- A Letter of Mary(gave away)
King, Laurie R –hb- O Jerusalem(gave away)
King, Laurie R –hb- Justice Hall(gave away)
King, Laurie R –hb- The Game(gave away)
King, Laurie R –hb-Locked Rooms(gave away)
King, Laurie R –arc- The Language of Bees gave away
King, Laurie R –ARC- Touchstone
King, Laurie R –tpb- Folly. donated
King, Ross –hb- Ex Libris: A Novel
King, Stephen-hb- Under the Dome
Kiraly, Marie- tpb- Mina
Klause, Annette Curtis –hb- Freaks: Alive, on the Inside(Brent)
Knight, E E - tpb- Dragon Champion(gave away)
Knight, E E - tpb- Dragon Avenger(gave away)
Knight, E E –tpb- Dragon Outcast(gave away)
Knight, E E –tpb- Dragon Strike(gave away)
Knudsen, Michelle –hb- TheDragon of Trelian(Brent)
Koenig, Walter -pb- Buck Alice and the Actor Robot
Koenig, Walter- pb -Chekov’s Enterprise
Koenig, Walter –hb- Warped Factors
Kostova, Elizabeth –hb- The Historian
Kranz, Gene- hb- Failure is not an Option

Lahr, John –hb- Notes of a Cowardly Lion
Landy, Derek –hb- Skulduggery Pleasant(gave away)
Laurie, Victoria –hb- Oracles of Delphi Keep
Lawhead, Stephen R-tpb- Hood (bk1)
Lawhead, Stephen R –hb- Scarlet (bk2)
Lawhead, Stephen R –hb- Tuck (bk3)
Leonov, Alexei & Scott, Dave –tpb- Two Sides of the Moon
Levine, Kristin –hb- The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had (gave away. Excellent book)
Lewis, C.S –tpb- Narnia (3)
Lindskold, Jane- pb- Brother to Dragons Companion to Owls (Carl)
Lord, Graham –hb- Niv: The Authorized Biography of David Niven
Louvish, Simon –hb- Stan and Ollie
Louvish, Simon –hb- Cecil B DeMille: A Life in Art
Louvish, Simon –pb- Monkey Business: the Lives and Legends of the Marx Bros.
Louvish, Simon-hb- Man on the Flying Trapeze (WC Fields)
Louvish, Simon-hb- Keystone: the Life and Clowns of Mack Sennet
Lovell, -hb- An Unpardonable Crime
Lucas, George -hb -The Creative Impulse
Lumet, Sidney –pb- Making Movies (donated)
Lupton, Rosamund-hb- Sister: A Novel

MacDonald, Betty –hb- The Egg and I donated
Macpherson, Malcolm –hb- The Cowboy and His Elephant (ella)
Maltin, Leonard –pb- The Little Rascals: The Life and Times of Our Gang
Mantchev, Lisa –hb- Eyes Like Stars: Theatre Illuminata, Act I(donated)
Marr, Melissa –pb- Wicked Lovely(gave away)
Marr, Melissa-hb- Graveminder gave away
Martel, Yann –hb- Life of Pi (donated)
Martin, George RR –hb- The Ice Dragon (Brent)
Martinez, A. Lee –pb- In the Company of Ogres (Brent)
Martinez, A. Lee –hb- Gil’s All Fright Diner
Martinez, A Lee –pb- A Nameless Witch (donated)
McBride, Joseph-hb- Searching for John Ford
McCaffrey, Anne & Todd -hb- Dragons Fire (donated)
McCaffrey, Anne & Todd -hb- Dragons Kin (donated)
McCaffrey, Anne -hb -First Fall (Chronicles of Pern)
McCaffrey, Anne -hb- The Skies of Pern
McCaffrey, Anne- hb- Dragon Riders of Pern (doubleday)
McCaffrey, Anne -hb- A Gift of Dragons
McCaffrey, Anne -hb- Morita
McCaffrey, Anne -hb -Renegades of Pern
McCaffrey, Anne -hb -The Girl Who Heard Dragons
McCaffrey, Anne -hb- Weyrs of Pern
McCaffrey, Anne -tpb -Dragon Flight
McCaffrey, Anne -tpb -Dragon Singer
McCaffrey, Anne -hb -Nerikas Story
McCaffrey, Anne -tpb- Dragon Drums
McCaffrey, Anne -tpb -Dragon Quest
McCaffrey, Anne -tpb -Dragon Song
McCaffrey, Anne -hb -Dragons Dawn
McCaffrey, Anne -hb -Dragonseye
McCaffrey, Anne -hb -Masterharper of Pern
McCaffrey, Anne -pb- The Dolphins of Pern (signed)
McCaffrey, Anne –hb- The Dolphins of Pern
McCaffrey, Anne- tpb -The White Dragon
McCaffrey, Anne & Todd –hb- Dragon Harper (donated)
McCaffrey, Todd -hb -Dragons Blood (donated)
McCaffrey, Todd –hb- Dragonheart (donated)
McCaffrey, Todd-hb- Dragongirl (donated)
McCaffrey, Anne & Todd-hb- Dragon’s Time (donated)
McEwan, Ian, -hb- Atonement
McGill, Bernie –hb- The Butterfly Cabinet:A Novel gave away
McKinley, Robin –hb- Dragonhaven (Brent)
Mee, Benjamin-hb- We Bought a Zoo(ella)
Meldrum, Christina –hb- Madapple (Chris)
Meyer, Nicholas –hb- View From the Bridge: Memories of ST & Life in Hollywood
Meyer, Nicholas –hb- The West End Horror
Meyer, Nicholas –hb- The Canary Trainer
Meyer, N icholas-hb- Seven Percent Solution
Michener, James A –hb- Space
Miller, Laura –hb- A Magicians Book: A Skeptic’s Adventures in Narnia
Miller, Lucasta –hb- The Bronte Myth
Milne, A A –hb- Winnie the Pooh
Montgomery, L. M. –hb- Anne of Green Gables 100th Anniversary(donated)
Morgenstern, Erin –hb- The Night Circus
Morton, Kate –hb- The House at Riverton (donated)
Morton, Kate –hb- The Forgotten Garden
Morton, Kate-hb- The Distant Hours
Mull, Brandon - hb- Fablehaven (Brent)
Mull, Brandon - hb- Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star (Brent)
Mull, Brandon –hb- Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague (Brent)
Mull, Brandon –hb- Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon (Brent)
Mull, Brandon –hb- Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison (Brent)
Mull, Brandon –hb- Candy Shop War (Brent)
Murphy, Rita –hb- Bird(gave away)

Neff, Henry H –hb- The Hound of Rowan
Neff, Henry H –hb- The Second Siege
Nelson, Craig-hb- Rocket Men
Newberry, Linda –hb- At the Firefly Gate (gave away)
Nichols, Nichelle –hb- Beyond Uhura
Niffenegger, Audrey-pb- The Time Travelers Wife(gave away)
Nimoy, Leonard-hb- I Am Spock
Niven, David –hb- Bring on the Empty Horses
Nix, Garth –tpb-Sabriel (Brent)
Nix, Garth- tpb- Lirael (Brent)
Nix, Garth –tpb- Abhorsen (Brent)
Novik, Naomi –tpb- In His Majesty’s Service (3 in1 bk)
Nye, Jody Lynn – hb- An Unexpected Apprentice (Brent)

O’Dell, Scott –hb- Island of the Blue Dolphins (gave away)
Odom, Mel –hb- The Rover(gave away)
Odom, Mel –hb- Lord of The Libraries(gave away)
Odom, Mel –hb- The Destruction of Books(gave away)
Odom, Mel –hb- The Quest for the Trilogy(gave away)
O’Hara, Maureen –pb- “Tis Herself: An Autobiography
Owen, James A –hb- Here, There Be Dragons(gave away)
Owen, James A –hb- Search for the Red Dragon(gave away)
Owen, James A –hb- The Indigo King(gave away)
Owen, James A –hb- The Shadow Dragons(gave away)

Palma, Felix J-hb- A Map of Time: A Novel
Paterson, Katherine -hb- Bridge To Terabithia(gave away)
Pattou, Edith –pb- East (donated)
Paolini, Christopher -hb- Eldest (Brent)
Paolini, Christopher -hb- Eragon (Brent)
Paolini, Christopher –hb- Brisingr (Brent)
Pears, Iain –hb- Stone’s Fall
Pearl, Matthew-pb- The Last Dickens
Peterson, Andrew –pb- On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: "(Carl)
Picardie, Justine –hb- Daphne: A Novel
Plummer, Christopher –hb- In Spite of Myself: A Memoir
Potter, Beatrix –hb- A Childs Treasury of Beatrix Potter
Prattchatt, Terry –tpb- Wee Free Men
Pratchatt, Terry –hb- the Bromelaid Trilogy
Pratchett, Terry-hb- I shall Wear Midnight
Prineas, Sarah –hb-The Magic Thief(gave away)
Prineas, Sarah –hb- The Magic Thief: Lost(gave away)
Pryor, Ian –hb- Peter Jackson (donated)
Pullman, Philip-tpb- His Dark Materials (trilogy)
Pullman, Philip- hb- Once Upon a Time in the North (gave away)

Quinn, Jeff –tpb- Christmas Chronicles

Reagan, Nancy –hb- My Turn(donated)
Reese, James- tbr- The Dracula Dossier
Richards, Justin –pb- The Death Collector (Brent)
Riggs, Ransom-hb- Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Rioux, Terry -pb- From Sawdust to Stardust (biography/author signed)
Robertson, Imogen-hb- Instruments of Darkness: A Novel
Roirdan, Rick –pb- bks 1-3 Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Rothfuss, Patrick-hb- The Name of the Wind
Rothfuss, Patrick-hb- The Wise Man’s Fear
Rowlings, JK -hb- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Rowlings, JK -hb- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
Rowlings, JK- hb- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Rowlings, JK -hb -Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Rowlings, JK -hb -Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Rowlings, JK -hb -Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Rowlings, JK -hb -Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
Rowlings, JK –hb- The Tales of Beedle the Bard (brent)
Ruckley, Brian-pb- The Edinburgh Dead
Rutherfurd, Edward –hb- The Forest
Rutherfurd, Edward-hb- London
Rutherfurd, Edward-hb- The Princes of Ireland

Sage, Angie -hb- Flyte(gave away)
Sage, Angie- hb- Magyk(gave away)
Sage, Angie -hb- Physik (gave away)
Sage, Angie – hb- Queste(gave away)
Sage, Angie –hb- Syren(gave away)
Salvatore, RA- pb- The Icewind Dale Trilogy
Salvatore, RA-pb- Dragons: Worlds Afire
Saunders, Malcolm -hb- The Dragon Chronicles: The lost journals of the great Wizard (gave away)Septimus Argorius
Seabrook, Jane-hb- Furry Logic: A Guide to Life’s Little Challenges
Savage, J Scott –tpb/arc- Far World: Water Keep (gave away)
Savage, J Scott –hb- Far World: Land Keep (gave away)
Scarborouch, Eliz. Ann –hb- The Lady in the Loch (donated)
Schlitz, Laura Amy –hb- A Drowned maiden’s Hair(donated)
Scott, Michael –hb- The Sorceress
Scott, Michael –hb- The Warlock
Scott, Michael –hb- The Alchemyst
Scott, Michael –hb- The Magician
Scott, Michael –hb- The 13 Hallows
Sensel, Joni –hb- The Farwalker’s Quest (gave away)
Sensel Joni –hb- Reality Leak (donated)
Setterfield, Diane –hb- The Thirteenth Tale
Shaffer, Mary Ann-pb- The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
Shatner, William –hb- Star Trek Memories
Shatner, Willian-hb- Star Trek Movie Memories
Sheck, Laurie –hb- A Monster’s Notes (donated)
Shimerman, Armin –hb- The Merchant Prince
Shulman, Polly –hb- The Grimm Legacy
Sibley, Brian -pb -The Lord of the Rings, The Making of the Trilogy
Sibley, Brian -hb- The Lord of the Rings Official Movie Guide (4 signatures)
Silverberg, Robert-hb- Legends (multiple authors)
Silverberg, Robert -hb- Legends II (multiple authors)
Simmons, Dan –hb- Drood: A Novel
Simmons, Dan –hb- The Terror
Simner, Janni Lee –hb- Bones of Faerie (Brent)
Skye, Obert – hb – Leven Thumps, Gateway to Foo (Brent)
Skye, Obert – hb- Leven Thumps, Whispered Secret (Brent)
Skye, Obert –hb- Leven Thumps, Eyes of Want (Brent)
Skye, Obert –hb- Pillage (Brent)
Slayton/ Cassutt -pb- Deke!
Smith, Andrew -hb- Moondust: In Search of Men Who Fell To Earth
Smith ACH –pb- The Dark Crystal
Smith, Starr-pb- Jimmy Stewart: Bomber Pilot
Soren, Sasha –hb- Random Magic
Stace, Wesley –hb- Misfortune
Staford, Thomas P-hb- We Have Capture
Standiford, Les –hb- The Man Who Invented Christmas
Stenn, David –pb- Clara Bow: Runnin’ Wild
Stewart, Mary –pb- Thornyhold
Stewart, Mary-pb- Nine Coaches Waiting
Stewart, Mary –hb- Rose Cottage
Stewart, Mary-hb- The Prince and the Pilgrim(gave away)
Stewart, Mary-hb- The Spell of Mary Stewart
Stewart, Trenton Lee & Carson Ellis-hb- The Mysterious Benedict Society (gave away)
Stoker, Bram –hb- Dracula
Stone, Tanya Lee –pb- Almost Astronauts
Strachan, Jackie(edit) –hb- The Fantasy Art Bible
Stroud, Johathan –hb- Heroes of the Valley (Brent)
Stroud, Jonathan- hb – The Amulet of Samarkand
Stroud, Jonathan –hb- The Golem’s Eye
Stroud, Jonathan- hb- Ptolemy’s Gate
Stroud, Jonathan- pb- Buried Fire
Stroud, Jonathatn-hb- The Ring of Solomon
Sturrock, Donald –hb- Storyteller (Roald Dahl)
Summerscale, Kate –pb- The Suspicions of Mr Whicher (cath)

Takei, George –hb- To the Stars: The Autobiography of George Takei
Taraborrelli, J Randy –hb- Elizabeth
Tarte, Bob –pb- Enslaved by Ducks (Carl)
Taylor, Andres-hb- The Anatomy of Ghosts
Taylor, Andrew –hb- An Unpardonable Crime
Taylor, D J –hb- Kept (gave away)
Thomson, Sarah L –hb- Dragons Egg (Brent)
Tinti, Hannah –hb- The Good Thief
Tobin, Betsy –pb- Ice Lane: A Novel
Tofield, Simon –pb- Simon’s Cat(chris)
Tolkien, JRR- hb -The Fellowship of the Ring
Tolkien, JRR -hb- The Hobbit
Tolkien, JRR- hb -The Return of the King
Tolkien, JRR -hb -The Two Towers
Tolkien, JRR –hb- The Sillmarillion
Torregrossa, Richard-hb- Cary Grant
Trimble, Bjo -pb -On The Good Ship Enterprise
Trofimuk, Thomas –hb- Waiting for Columbus (chris)
Trollope, Anthony –hb- The Small House at Allington
Trollope, Anthony –hb- The Barchester Towers
Turgeon, Carolyn –pb- Godmother: The Secret Cinderella Story
Turgeon, Carolyn –hb- Rain Village (gave away)
Turner, Megan Whalen –pb- The Thief (gave away)
Tuttle, Lisa –pb- The Silver Bough (Carl)

Valente, Catherynne M- tpb- The Orphan’s Tales: In the Night Garden
Valente, Catherynne M –tpb- The Orphan’s Tales: In the Cities of Coin & Spice
Von Daniken, Erich -pb -Chariots of the Gods
Von Daniken, Erich –hb- Pathway to the Gods

Wagner, Jane -hb- The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe
Wake, Jenny -pb- The Making of King Kong (signed/Andy Serkis)
Wallace, Daniel –hb- Mr Sebastian and the Negro Magician (Brent)
Walton, Jo –hb- Among Others
Walton, Jo –hb- Tooth & Claw
Waters, Sarah-hb- The Little Stranger(gave away)
Waters, Sarah-hb- Fingersmith
Waters, Sarah-hb- The Night Watch
Watson, Coy Jr –pb- The Keystone Kid
Webster, Jean –pb- Daddy Long Legs (donated)
Weis, Margaret -pb -A Quest Lovers Treasury of the Fantastic (multiple authors)
Weis, Margaret-hb- Shadow Raiders: bk 1 Dragon Brigade
White, Karen –pb- The Lost Hours (donated)
White, Karen –pb- On Folly Beach
Whitfield, Eileen –pb- Pckford: The Woman Who Made Hollywood
Wilce, Ysabeau S –hb- Flora Segunda (gave away)
Wilson, N D –hb- 100 Cupboards (Brent)
Wilson, N D –hb- Dandelion Fire (Brent)
Windling, Terri –pb- The Wood Wife(donated)
Wolfe, Gene –hb- The Knight (Carl)
Wolfe, Gene –hb- The Wizard (Carl)
Worden, Al-hb- Falling to Earth:Apollo 15 Astronaut’s Journey to the Moon
Wrede. Patricia C –hb- Thirteenth Child (gave away)
Wrede, Patricia C – hb- Sorcery and Cecelia(gave away)
Wrede, Patricia C –hb- The Grand Tour(gave away)
Wrede, Patricia C –hb- The Mislaid Magician or Ten Years After(gave away)
Wrede, Patricia C –hb- The Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Wrede, Patricia C –hb- Magic & Malice: Mairlon the Magician/ Magicians Ward
Wroblewski, David –hb- The Story of Edgar Sawtelle: A Novel (donated)

Yancy, Rick-hb- The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp (Brent)

Zafon, Carlos Ruiz –pb- The Shadow of the Wind (excellent!)
Zafor, Carlos Ruiz -hb- The Angel’s Game
Zafor, Carlos Ruiz –hb- Prince of Mist (gave away)
Zusak, Markus –pb- I am The Messenger
Zusak, Markus-pb- The Book Thief


Achilleos, Chris-hb-Beauty and the Beast (fantasy art)
Beck, Jerry-hb- I Tawt I taw A Puddy Tat (50 years of Sylvester and Tweety)
Burnett & Fenner -hb- Spectrum III (fantasy art)
Corben, Richard-pb- ART (fantasy art)
Frazetta, Frank-pb- The Fantastic Art of Frank Frazetta
Frazetta, Frank-pb- Frank Frazetta Book Two (fantasy art)
Frazetta, Frank-pb- Frank Frazetta Book Three (fantasy art)
Frazetta, Frank-pb- Frank Frazetta Book Four (fantasy art)
Froud, Brian –pb- The World of the Dark Crystal
Hershenson, Bruce (published)-pb-Cartoon Move Posters (signed :the voice of Donald Duck)
Hildebrandt-pb- The Art of The Brothers Hildebrandt (fantasy art)
Kelly, Ken -pb- Ken Kelly (art) (signed)
Rankin & Bass -pb- The Hobbit (art from the cartoon)
Rowena -hb- The Fantastic Art of Rowena (fantasy art)
Singer, A I -hb- Beauty and the Beast (artist Ron Dias/ signed)
Singer, A I -hb-The Little Mermaid (artist Ron Dias/ Signed)
Struzan, Drew –hb- Posterbook
Sweet, Darrell K-pb- Beyond Fantasy (fantasy art)
Vallejo, Boris-pb- Fantasy Art Techniques
Vallejo, Boris-pb- Mirage (fantasy art)
Vallejo, Boris-pb-The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo (fantasy art)
Whelan, Michael-pb- Wonderworks (science fiction and fantasy art)